Forgot to set the main menu canvas to "Scale with Screen Size" which is why it is so zoomed in on the browser I believe.

The hub area bears a nemesis build bug where you cannot move forward or back while jumping. This is not present in any other room. I dread the day where I have to tackle this face on as it only occurs on the build version and I have no idea what causes it.

Shown is an extremely primitive stage of the menu, along with a handful of scenes of which some operate better than others. Many minor and major additions/fixes to be made for these alone, not to mention the entire rest of the game. I aim to be done by 2060. Last 2 Screenshots cannot be found in game as they are just concept images.


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I hope the project isn't dead. Had fun exploring until I got stuck here, took me a while to realize you were supposed to headbutt enemies as well


Hi! Glad you enjoy it! It's obviously very rough. What you've found there is a Unity scene with nothing in it aside a room template (the red) for when I start adding assets etc. This is my first game dev journey so I'm working it out as I go along and am hoping to have this refined into a more presentable sample of the game which will display the controls etc. This was more of an exporting test if anything :) (controls are X to barge as you've discovered and C to dash; barging an enemy while they are at a particular state of attacking will deal the most damage).

I'm hyped! Best of luck with the project.

I really like the art style,